Christmas and New Year Opening Hours 2020/21

2020, what a year! I don’t know about you, but I’m ready for a break.

Over the Christmas and New Year period, I’m going to practice what I preach about the importance of downtime, rest and renewal.

I’m taking a complete break from work from 21st December 2020 to 8th January 2021 inclusive. My last working day will be 18th December 2020 and I’ll be back from 11th January 2021.

Regular and retained clients will be able to contact me on an emergency basis during this period. I’ll respond to any new enquires from 11th January 2021 onwards.

Best wishes to you and your loved ones, especially during these challenging times. Let’s hope that we all have a peaceful and uneventful break this year 🙏🏼

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